Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

Headache Remedies When Pregnant

Head pain is like knock in the head, the pressure is stronger, you can focus on nothing. Head pain while pregnant - what to do? Normal headache tablets would take the least expectant moms and that is a good thing. You should be taken only after consultation with the doctor. There are doctors who allow the ingestion of aceataminophen. Aspirin and ibuprofen are a no-go. Chemistry is not good for the unborn child, believe me, I have two daughter now and my wife always experiencing headache during pregnancy.

Especially in the first trimester, pregnant women often suffer headaches. What causes headache when pregnant?. This is due to the hormonal and circulatory migration of the body. The hormones are back under control, usually also the headaches disappear. You can find here a series of valuable tips of home remedies for headaches while pregnant which will help in the fight against the unpleasant humming in my head.

In addition to the hormonal changes, the headaches can have other causes. For example, stress, changes in weather, little oxygen, fatigue, improper posture or overexertion and fatigue. Women who suffer from migraines, are exempt during pregnancy often from the complaints - mainly if the complaints so far went with the menstrual periods.

For headaches, it makes sense to tackle the causes rather than the symptoms. This means that drugs should be off-limits during pregnancy. It is better to find out what triggers the headaches and to take action against it.

Often, take a walks in the fresh air help to replenish the oxygen content in the blood. Everyday stress can be remove by expectant Mommy with light yoga or exercises. Swimming also can provides relaxation. If you have an exercise bike, you can used it with light exercise which can promotes blood flow and strengthens the circulation. Hot tea on the comfortable sofa can be just as effective as a small NAP. So, the throbbing in the head can stop soon.

Drink enough liquid is also very important. So there’s a question: you drank enough today? At least two litres of water are required during pregnancy. The body needs more liquid at this time because pregnant women sweats more and stores more water. Increasing the amount of blood, so the placenta and the uterus can be supplied with enough oxygen. An ideal drinks are low-sodium mineral water, unsweetened herbal and fruit teas (lemon balm and hibiscus), milk, buttermilk or fruit milk. So, the body is supplied with adequate magnesium, calcium and protein. Avoid coffee and black tea. A warm vegetable broth with some fresh parsley has proven itself too.
A low blood sugar can leads to headaches, it can cause pregnant women to eat less and more often. So, the body gets fed sugar regularly. Granola bars, grape sugar, or a piece of chocolate in the bag are good helpers. But avoid sweeteners because they can trigger headaches in many people.

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