Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

Simple Tips for Your Diabetes Diet

If you are having diabetes type 2, healthy diets are very important for you to keep your diabetes under control. Even most doctor are recommended it to a type 2 diabetes patients, because the food you consume will affecting your health that’s why it very important to eating smart to managing your condition, below are the benefit you can achieve while you maintain your healthy weight.

  1. Help you maintain your ideal weight and loosen your weight with healthy way.
  2. Keep your sugar blood level stable.
  3. It can prevent complication disease like heart attack and high blood pressure.
  4. Healthy diets will keep you on track about your nutrition, even if you’re on diet for diabetes.
Simple Tips for Your Diabetes Diet
Image courtesy of [Sura Nualpradid] at 

Healthy Diabetes Diet Tips
Follow these eat to healthier tips to manage your diabetes:
To keep your balance between healthy diets and fill your nutrition needs you must choose the right type of food, there’s no single type of food that can provide all your need, that’s why you must choose from several type of food to consumed, there’s five food groups that can be combine to provide all your need:
  1. Vegetables
  2. Whole grains
  3. Fruits
  4. Low-fat or fat-free dairy products
  5. Lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, and lean beef

Sometimes you still can consumed food outside of those group, but not too often, and keep remember those food are your healthy diabetes diet main based.
Create a meal plan to save your time and not making you stress in future, make a plan to eat at least three times a day, spaced between four till six hours and if you can follow your own plan you will keep your blood level in same scale.
Try to always counting your carbohydrate, because carbohydrate meal will affected to your blood sugar quicker that protein and fats even if carbo are necessary to create energy for your body for whole entire day, so basically if you eat carbohydrate too much at one time your blood sugar will rise quicker than usual. There’s plenty of food and drink which can supply carbo like whole-grains, fruit, low fat milk and yoghurt.

After you make a plan when to eat, now it’s time to planning how much you want to eat, make sure each of your food type have a right proportions, so you can keep your diabetes stay where they are, for example you can filling one half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables like a spinach, carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes. And fill one section with a high-quality starch such as a whole-grain roll, pasta, or brown rice. In the remaining section, add a lean protein such as fish, beans, eggs, or a meat substitute. Add an 8-ounce glass of low-fat or fat-free milk and a small piece of fruit to complete your meal and used same concept at breakfast.

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