Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Anxiety Disorders are generally affecting most people in US, about 1 out of 5 persons are affecting by this mental health according to the Nami.org

A person who affected this mental health have some characteristic like always worrying about everyday things even a simple thing can be a big burden to the people who affected.

There’s many medication which used to manage anxiety, but there’s a plenty natural way to manage it by yourself, you can used this natural remedies for anxiety alongside with consumed medication.  
Anytime you have a feeling you are to sense about everything, you can trying these naturopathic medicine for anxiety.

Anxiety Disorders

1.       Laugh it off.
If you already have a good sense of humor you can do this easily, based on Karen Lynn Cassiday, PhD, says “even a simple fake laugh can make your brain produce dopamine to calm you down”. You can used technology to help you laugh so even in very anxious state you still can atleast smile or laugh, you can install a laugh or humor story app for example.

mirthful laugh
Mirthful laugh

There’s a research at Loma Linda University which founded that a mirthful laugh can reduces your cortisol hormone, this hormone increases when you are in anxious state.

2.       Schedule relaxation. 
Take a look at your work schedule and make sure you create a time for relaxing around your busy time for about 20 – 30 minute, you can used that time to walk, meditation, take a look at garden or anything to make you relaxing. According some researchers by adding time to relaxation can lowering heart rate and relaxation maybe can be your naturopathic medicine for your anxiety.

3. Take GABA. 
GABA are short name for Gamma-Aminobutyic Acid is an amino acid which can calming neurotransmitter in the brain, actually human bodies are able to produce our own GABA from glutamine.
GABA is one way to natural calming and help our bodies make endorphins, the enzyme that make us feel happy.
Please consult to your doctor first before you starting consume GABA even if GABA can interact with medications.

4. Try lavender. 
Lavender essentials oil can make people calmed down, the odod are naturally very relaxing, in some study shows that those who inhaled lavender before medical procedure are more calmer than those who did not inhaled lavender. 


5. Ground yourself. 
A marriage and family therapist John Tsilimparis, MFT says when you feel anxiety hits, do something tangible, like holding a newspaper, holding your smartphone and read one or two sms, or even you can holding an ice cube.
This simple tips working very well because the brain can't be in two place at same time, the distraction made brain shifting from a catastrophic mind into anything you hold tied at that time. 

That's is few Natural Remedies For Anxiety tips, if you got any question or comment please write it down

Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

How To Drying Herbs At Home

After read this post and try several ways to drying herbs at your own home, you will never buy drying one again, because it’s easier than you think this whole time.
There’s many type on how to preserve the food to preventing decay like freezing or canning the food, or even processing it to become another raw food like curing meat, making cheese and yogurt from milk. Perhaps dehydrating is still the easier way to preserve the herbs because most of the herbs already contain less moisture than another vegetable so you can dry it fast.

Drying Herbs
Source : growpeterborough.files.wordpress.com

Basics Steps Drying Herbs.

The main profit from drying herbs are they became safe from bacteria, mold or yeast and will kept the potent of a herbs for at least 12 month ahead. Air circulation and some warmth are the main key to drying it, below are the most used way to dry it.
For some people washing herbs before process are important steps, especially if you bought the herbs from market and not grown it yourself.

1.       Drying Herbs Indoor.

Tie a bundle of herbs and put them upside down inside paper bag with some hole around, used tie twist so you can easily tighten the herbs because those herbs will shrink when they dry, and do not forget to tie the paper bag, now just look for some warm and dry spot over your house to start drying herbs, the process can take hours or even daily depend on how much moisture inside the herbs.

2.       Drying Herbs with Sunlight.

IT easy if you live in a warm and dry place where the sun are available most of the day, you can used the heat of the sun to dry the herb, but remember to not exposed them directly at sunlight to preventing the herbs get bleaching. You can make a drying screen from a window like media and put some net around it. Or you can build your own solar dehydrator.

3.       Dehydrating Herbs with a Machine. 

If you have a dehydrator machine and it really save your time and money are worth to used it, you can buy or build it yourself, several type of the machine have temperature control and a fan inside it so you can adjust the temperature and timers to match the herbs requirement to dry.

4.       Oven Drying Herbs.

It sound easy because most of us are already used it on daily activity, but actually it is not the efficient way because as you already know that most oven working temperature are more than 100 degrees but herbs are need to be dried at 100 degree Celsius maximum, also herbs drying process require air circulation and most oven do not have vent. If you insist on using oven to do it you need thermometer and a lot of experiment to match the requirement of the herb.

5.       Refrigerator Drying Herbs.

You can used refrigerator to drying your herbs stock, just put them in the fridge for a few days, this tips was discovered by Madalene Hill and Gwen Barclay (daughter) by accident. The herb will dry in beautifully crisp and also not changing the color, flavor and fragrance.

That’s all 5 Way to Drying Herbs at home, you can choose a few way that suit you the most.

Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Home Remedy for Toothache Infection

Tooth pain can cause by many dental problems over the tooth nerve damage. The pain can be very intense and almost unbearable in severe cases.

Toothache can occur continuously or be triggered by certain conditions such as heat or cold.

Causes of toothache
The most common causes of toothache are tooth decay, gum disease, infected dental pulp, infections, cracked teeth, etc. Heart problems and diseases of the ears can be a toothache source also.

Most of dental problems were caused by damage to the pulp. The dental pulp is made up of a network of nerves end. The inflammation of the nerve endings (Pulpitis) are raises the severe tooth pain.

The common tooth pain came from wisdom teeth which happened because infection by bacteria or other reason and cause swelling of the tissue which causing toothache.

Also exposed tooth roots are common causes of toothache.

Healthy Tooth Free From Tootache Infection
Image courtesy of [Salvatore Vuono at FreeDigitalPhotos.net 

Toothache symptoms
The symptoms of tooth pain of course the severe pain at the affected tooth or jaw. One can assume that easily toothache over time become stronger because the destroyed tissue is always extended to the nerve endings.

Home remedy for toothache Infection
Against toothache, mint tea has proven itself. Prepare to brew some of peppermint with tea and you can drink it often, wash round the tooth with it, or place a cotton ball fully sucked on the painful area of the gums.
Carnations also a popular home remedy for toothache. A concentrated broth from minced cloves that you boil in water contains pain-relieving substances. Give something on the aching tooth pink broth every now and again.
Clove oil and nutmeg oil and alcohol are a good remedy for toothache. All of these home remedies you can apply on the aching tooth.
A mixture of mustard oil and turmeric is a simple but effective tincture for toothache.
Mix a pinch of black pepper, ground cloves and a pinch of salt. To treat the toothache, you wear this powder directly on the painful area.
Use wheat grass juice as a natural mouthwash.
Salt can be used against toothache to reduce the bacterial infections in the mouth. A concentrated salt solution can be used on dental caries which have frequently ached and on long period of time, it can stop the growth of caries and save the tooth.
Oregano oil reduces the growth of bacteria in the mouth. It should eliminate bacteria at the affected area applied.
Apply vanilla extract to the aching tooth. The vanilla reassures the toothache.
Cooling with ice bags is a popular home remedy to treat toothache.

Tips When Toothache attack
If you have tooth pain it is very important to consume vitamin to strengthen the gums C-rich foods. Juice from citrus fruits such as lemon juice and orange juice are recommended here.
Sharp spices such as chili and Curry have an antibacterial effect and help against tooth decay bacteria.
Chlorophyll-containing vegetables such as spinach help against toothache.
Onions and garlic are natural remedies for toothache. Raw onions can chew and decimate bacteria triggering so that infections in the mouth.
Clean your teeth 2x atleast, 3 is better 
(at morning, afternoon and before going to bed)
Image courtesy of [photostock] at FreeDigitalPhotos.net 
Good oral hygiene is still the best home remedy for toothache because it prevents the toothache. Warm salt solution as antibacterial mouth rinse is highly recommended, as well as the use of salt instead of toothpaste.

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Red Sandalwood For Scar Treatments

I am sure you already heard a lot of people talking about using sandalwood for skin care treatment.  Even you can easily found in many commercial skins cares product which using sandalwood extract for their product.

Sandalwood extract are obtain from Santalum Tree, which a member of the Santalaceae family, the tree can grow almost 50 feet and not quite easy to propagate because the sandalwood tree are living in dry and rocky environments, even so there is a few country which already able to cultivate it like in Indonesia and in Indonesia Sandalwood tree are called Angsana tree, the older the tree the more sandalwood extract can be obtained and the process to extract sandalwood oil are not easy, there are required large amount of time and energy to gain the sandalwood oil, that’s why the price are getting higher.

Sandalwood Leaves
Source Wikipedia

 People in western know if sandalwood oil it has a sweet, warm, rich and woody characteristic people in western are using it as a fragrance in many product like a perfume, aftershaves and other products.
For some people who have acne scar or an old scar from injuries  which looking a natural solution for scar treatment has founded if sandalwood extract are the best answer for fading away the scar, it has a very long history in skin treatment in human history mainly in several country like Indonesia, Australia, India and other. Sandalwood is popular for external and internal treatment because it has the antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties,
Pure Oil Sandalwood
Source Wikipedia

Pure sandalwood oil can be used to minimized the appearances of scar from chicken pox, it is very important to ask your doctor first before start to using sandalwood oil it, to begin using sandalwood you can mix it first with other base oil like almond oil before apply it to reduced skin irritation or skin allergic.
After that you can directly applied it with cotton ball, or directly with your finger. Continue to apply it for daily until the scars fade away.
Sandalwood and Lime Mix
Source makeupandbeauty.com

Sandalwood powder can be used also for acne treatment, it is recommended to make a paste from it first, there is many ways to make a sandalwood paste for acne treatment  you can mix sandalwood powder and rosewater, mix sandalwood with goat milk, mix sandalwood with cucumber juice or mix sandalwood and lime juice, the basic to mix it are basically same by pour those oil or another ingredients little by little in 2 part of sandalwood powder and mix it thoroughly until it became a paste and gently applied it to acne scar or using it as a facial masker and leave it for several hours, some people even leave it overnight to maximized the result, keep repeating it for a few next days until the scars are fade away, and don’t forget to consult with your doctor first if you want to start using sandalwood extract for scar treatment.