Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

A Natural Way to Cure Your Cough

Coughing are happen when viruses, bacteria, dust, pollen, even water can cause coughing when you want to drink and speak at same time, or any other substances irritate your airways between  throats and your lungs, when you cough your body try to clear the your airways from those substances. The cough itself can reach almost 60 miles per hour.
However if your cough are persistent and persistent cough can put you in very uncomfortable position in where ever you are it can also showing symptomatic condition you are now.
Usually there is only 2 main type of cough, productive cough and dry cough, when your cough are productive one your body try to get rid of your mucus in your throat, usually the remedies for this type of cough are not working by suppressing it but it will loosing the mucus to make it easier to your body to get rid of it.
Some people are prefer using natural medicine for cough actually, here are some favorite herbal medicine for cough using by people :

1. Homemade Honey Syrup for Cough Remedies

Honey With Lemon
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A study has been conducted at Penn State College of Medicine, they found if honey can calming the cough because honey are have plenty of demulcent, naturally high viscosity and sticky that incredibly coating and soothing your irritated lung area, and also honey are naturally anti bacterial so it can also helpfully healing your cough cause by bacterial.
You can directly drinking it or you can mix it with lemon, coconut oil or even bourbon, take 1 tablespoon of honey 1-3 times a day as needed, and for children you can using teaspoon, but please remember never give it to your child if their age under 2 years.

2. Pineapple
Pineapple for Cough Remedies
Source Pict :

Some people will never eat pineapple when they have cough or sore throat, or even think about pineapple as herbal medicine for coughs, but actually pineapple can be one of the herbal medicines for cough according to research on The medical values of pineapples, there is evidence if Bromelain enzyme found in pineapple can hel suppress cough and loosen mucus in your throat. .Supplements contain Bromelain are should not be consumed by children, or adults who consumed blood thinners or antibiotics like amoxicillin, because it can increased the absorption of the antibiotic.

3. Peppermint Tea and Oil
Peppermint leave Cough Remedies
Source Pict :

Peppermint leaves contain menthol which can very helpful in soothes your throat and acts as natural decongestant, also helping to breakdown mucus, you can make a tea from peppermint leaves or vapors it at steam bath, by drops the peppermint oil at your bath thub.

3. Licorice Root Tea
Licorice Root Cough Remedies
Source Pict :
A Tea from licorice root can work as expectorant and demulcent, together this two enzyme will soothing your lunge while also loosen mucous, easing congestion, it also more sweeter than table sugar, your children probably like this tea also, but if you in steroid or you have any problem with your kidney, it is better for you to not consume licorice.

4. Ginger

Ginger for Cough Remedies
Source Pict :

Ginger, one of the famous herbs for soothing your lunge, spicy ginger enzyme are works as an expectorant, can helping loosen and expel mucous from your lungs. Also stop pain tickle at the back of throat which sometimes can trigger a cough.

 Thats it a few Herbal Medicine for Cough

Senin, 08 Juni 2015

A Natural Way to Cure High Blood Pressure

Before we share Herbal Remedies For Your High Blood Pressure (HBP), you must know the meaning of high blood pressure first, it’s not some kind a disease that spreading through air, water, or even by touching, "Blood pressure" is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If the blood pressure getting higher and stays high over time, it can lead to serious condition like heart failure, kidney failure, vision loss or even stroke.
According to several researches, almost 1 in 3 adults in the United States has high blood pressure. In many case there is no signs or symptoms. You can have it for years without even knowing your blood pressure getting higher overtime and during this time it can damage your heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and many other part of your body.
It is very important to knowing your blood pressure, even when you are feeling fine and healthy. To knowing your blood pressure you can contact your health care team to conduct the test, if your blood pressure is normal, you can discuss with your health care team to keep it normal. If your blood pressure is too high, you need a treatment that may help prevent damage to your body's organs.
Besides using medicine from your health care team, you can use another way to treat your high blood pressure, like changes your lifestyle to healthy lifestyle or using nature way like consume several herbal like we explain bellow, although the research on the use of alternative treatment or medicine to lowering blood pressure is fairly limited, apparently there is many case where it show good result by consuming those herbal , but before starting consume it because there is several herbal can caused undesirable side effect or interfere with your medicine.

1. Basil
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 Basil is a plant in the mint family which containing zinc, iron, calcium, vitamins A and C. Basil is one of herb that goes well in a variety of foods and it taste good also. It also an effective for treat your high blood pressure. A study on January 2012 issue of “Journal of Natural Remedies” shows extract of basil can lowering the blood pressure. You can consume basil directly after you washing it or add fresh basil leaves to your pastas, soups, salads and other food you want to mix it.

2. Cinnamon
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Cinnamon is obtained from the inner bark of several trees and usually used in both sweet and savory foods so it can be used for many recipes, and the good part are cinnamon may bring your blood pressure numbers down. Based on research from the University of Toronto consuming cinnamon everyday can lower your blood pressure even for people with type-2 diabetes.
You can spread cinnamon powder on your breakfast cereal, oatmeal, and even in your coffee and it can make your food tastier.  Cinnamon also can enhance the flavor of stir fries, curries, and stews.

3. Cardamom

Source : Wikipedia

Cardamom is a spice native to the Middle East, North Africa and Scandinavia. There are three types of cardamom, green cardamom, Madagascar cardamom and black cardamom. There is an investigating the effects of cardamom to human health specially blood pressure. The research showed that participants who given powdered cardamom on daily basis for several months show significant reductions in their blood pressure.
You can include cardamom in your spice rubs, in soups and stews, and even in baked goods for a special flavor and have a positive health benefit in return.

4. Garlic

This pungent seasoning can do more than just flavor your food and ruin your breath. According to several researches garlic may lower your blood pressure by causing your blood vessels to relax and dilate. This lets blood flow more freely and reduces blood pressure, but remember Garlic is not safe for use with many common medications and conditions, you must consult to your health team before consume it.
You can add fresh garlic to a number of your favorite recipes. If you cannot withstand the flavor of garlic, you can roast it first. And lately a capsule contain garlic extract already made and available on many place for you to get.

 5. Chocolate / Cocoa Extract
Dark Chocoa
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Several researches shows by consuming dark chocolate or cocoa products which contain alot of flavonols are able to lowered blood pressure in adult with high blood pressure. By consume maximum 50g cocoa product for each day is associated with almost 2-3mm Hg reduction in blood pressure. Still further research is needed, because it has different effect on each person.
Chocolate work in affected the nitric oxide system which resulting in vasodilation and lower the blood pressure. It also may inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme.
Too many consume Chocolate are bad to your blood pressure because chocolate also contains caffeine and sugar, alongside with other ingredients. Large amounts of caffeine consumed (greater than 400mg for each day) can increase your blood pressure and the sugar content in cocoa products may affect your blood sugar levels.

That is several Natural Remedies For Your High Blood Pressureand please remember you can consume it right after you consult with your health team first.

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

A Fast and Easy Pinkeye Home Remedy

An infection by bacterial at the outer layer of the eye called conjunctivitis or usually called pinkeye, this bacterial infection cause the eye colored redness, itching, tearing, swelling and increased eyes mucous production while sleeping, if you found your kids cannot opened their eyes when they wake up, please don’t panic and clean it with warm and wet cloth, compress it gently in the infected eye.
If one of your family experience pink eye, your entire house hold can be also infected rapidly, that’s why you must stop the initial infection immediately. Most people will directly go to doctor just to get an antibiotic eye drops or ointment after long consuming time just to meet doctor, get examined, many time wasted. Actually you can fix this simple infection at your own home even without a doctor.
The Power of Probiotics
What you need are Probiotics with non-acidic liquid, and the best source is perhaps is your mother or your wife breatmilk, just drop a few drop in a plate and applied it with eyedropper directly into your eye and watch the probiotics eliminate the bacterial infection.
If you got no one breatfeeding you don’t have to ask your neighbor to gave you a few drop because it can confused the thing, you better used a few drop raw milk from cow or goat and applied it to both of your eye, even if only one of your eye infected you better used it to both because pink eye are really contagious.
Raw milk from goat or cow are contain plenty of prebiotics similar with breastmilk, these will eliminate pathogens at the infection, some case needed reapplication and not working as fast as human breastmilk, but it still faster than go to a doctor and missed your favorite tv shows.
If you cannot find raw milk you can use yogurt and kefir as fast home remedy for pink eye, but remembered one thing, whey powder and pasteurized milk which already mixed with water or already processed cannot work because there is no living probiotics
Power Of Supplement
If your family always suffering from pinkeye regularly, it is better for you to add cod liver oil supplement to your daily menu, because pinkeye infection can happened because defiency of vitamin A, and fermented cod liver oil are contains plenty natural vitamin A and processing in low heat to keep the natural vitamin A in there.

Please remember if you already do the fast home remedy for pink eye steps above and your pinkeye still not be gone after 24 hours, you must seeing your doctor immediately to make sure are your eyes infected or is there any other reason behind your pinkeye conditions.

Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

Natural Remedies to Relieve Constipation

Constipation happened because lack of fiber, most of people this day are do not have enough fiber and water in their daily menu, some of them are too busy to have a proper meal, and the other are dislike fiber type of food. Another constipation cause happened to people who lack of exercise time or side effect of consuming too many drug at same time.
There’s should be a question everyone have, how to relieve constipation on a natural way, and below are a list on how to relieve constipation naturally, you can do this steps while at home and by yourself, but please remember to meet your doctor if the constipation reliever method below are not working at all.

Eat Vegetables and Fruit
Fruit and Vegetables contain can be helpful to naturally relieve your constipation, because fiber extract inside it act as laxative, but remember don’t eat too much or too fast in that condition, because it can cause gas and bloating in your stomach.
If you consuming medication drug please remember to wait at least one hour after eating fiber before take your medication.
There’s plenty choice of fiber source around you like berries, apples, grape and another fruit with edible skin, if you choose to eat vegetables you can choose a dark and leafy green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, artichokes, cauliflower. Carrots also contain fiber even with orange or even red color it contain high fiber extract. Fiber also founded from beans, seeds and nuts like green beans, white beans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and many other.

Drink Water
If you already increase the fiber in your daily meals, it’s important to drink more water to preventing hard and dry stools because dry stools are a common cause of constipation.
Some expert said to prevent constipation a man should drink at least 3 liters of water and 2.2 liters for woman. It is also important to not consuming caffeine and alcoholic beverages when you experiencing constipation. Because caffeine or alcohol can cause fluid loss through urination and worsen your constipation.

Avoid Dairy Products
If the source of your constipation are dairy products which contain lactose like cheese, you better avoid it from your daily menu, because lactose can cause gas, bloating and constipation for some people.
But not all dairy product causing constipation, like yogurt which contain live probiotics such as Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium animalis are proven to make stool passing less painful so it can very helpful If you experience constipation.

Consume Castor Oil
Castor oil can be very helpful so stimulates intestines when you are constipated, it can also lubricate your bowel so the stool can easily slip out.
Please do not consume too much castor oil more than the recommended dosage except if that’s your doctor recipe, because too much consuming castor oil can make you feel the unpleasant side effect like abdominal cramps, dizziness, fainting, nausea, diarrhea, chest pain and many other, also do not consume castor oil if you pregnant.

Mineral Oil

You can get Mineral oil in pharmacies and drug store and consuming it not more than recommended dosage, to consume mineral oil you can combine it with milk, juice or water. Please do not consume it if you have these conditions like food allergies, pregnancy, stomach pain, and vomit or kidney problems.

Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Natural Remedies for Migraine Headaches

In the world where full of stress cause, anyone must know already about headache and already familiar with headache pain relief like aspirin, acetaminophen, paracetamol and any other chemical medicine as a solution, meanwhile there’s a Natural Remedies for Migraine Headaches and the important thing is you can do it at home.

The Acupressure
The first nature and home remedy for headache are Accupressure. There’s an area between your thumb and your forefinger call trigger point LIG4 by acupressure expert, it says also linked to areas of the brain where headaches originate. You can give a firm massage with circular motion on the area for several minute and do the same to your other hand and repeat it for several times until the pain is reduce .
Acupressure for reduce pain
Image : WikiHow

The Massage
Another home remedy for headache is massage, you can massage your scalp if you have a migraine pain; researchers in Brazil showed that by massage the back head area at the skull base can reduce migraine pain.

Massage To reduce Migraine Pain
Image : WikiHow

The Heat
Sometimes it feel really good when soaking your feet at warm water, it is very relaxing and the headache cause by stress or anything slowly are fading away, some experts said it happened because when blood passing your blood vessel at your foot, the warm are slowly relaxing the blood vessel at your head.

You can try this home remedy for headache, especially If you experiencing a natural tension headache, you can try to compress your forehead with soaked warm towel or in the back of your neck, the warm will help relaxing your muscle on your neck area and it will relieve your headache.

The Caffeine
These are the wonderful news for coffee lovers, researchers say “Caffeine can reduce blood-vessel swelling and help to relieve a headache”. So a strong coffee with high caffeine extract can work as a extra strength painkillers with a nice and tasty aroma, if you mentioned it some painkillers like Exedrin contain caffeine in the ingredients.

As a home remedy for headache, perhaps coffee are the favorite one, every home must have coffee, just put a spoon of coffee and mix it with sugar, milk, cream or anything your favorite inside a cup of hot water, and you got a nice smelling and taste coffee. Please do remember to drink it slowly.

Strong Caffeine in Coffee

The Scent
Some essentials oils like lavender can help to relieve the headache pain, just by massage your forehead and your temples area while you lie back in quite, dark room and focusing your sense to enjoying the scent.
Another essentials oils are peppermint oil, the menthol contain inside of it can help to reduce the pain from headache. The fragrance from menthol can relaxing and stimulates the nerves which are source of your headache.

If you own a vaporizer you can mix those oil and vaporize it in your personal, quite and relaxing room, it sure can relief the pain more faster.

Lavender Scent For Headache Pain

Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Homeopathic Medicine for Hair Loss

Anyone suffering from hair loss usually has lower self esteem and self confidence, and also feels embarrassed when meet with other people. Homeopathic medicine for hair loss can working effectively, there’s a ton of homeopathic medicine that can be used for hair loss treatment. Many type of hair loss can be treated with very well selected homeopathic medicines. In order to choose the best treatment a history record of the patient are needed to looking for the root cause of the hair loss problem, after the source are founded, the patient are given the list of medicines for hair loss.

  • Homeopathic Remedies for Hair Loss

Treatment for hair loss in homeopathy cause by skin diseases which affecting the scalp like dandruff, fungus infection, eczema etc.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hair Loss
Hair loss caused by too excessive itching or acrid discharge from the lesion can used psorinum which very useful to treating hair loss due to eczematous skin lesions on scalp that produce sticky and offensive fluids which lead to the hair getting tangled and finally got destroyed.
If using Psorinum make someone feels the side effect like excessive chill, there’s another medicine, Mezerenum, which are equally in order treating hair loss where the hair get destroyed due to ezematous of scalp.
Mercurius Solubilis are another Homeopathic medicine for hair loss due to eruptions on scalp produced a burning type of pain in scalp
Thuja occidentalis and kali suplhuricum can be used in case hair loss caused by dandruff.

  • Hair Loss Homeopathic Medicine for Baldness:

You can use Silicea, Baryta carbonica, Sulphur, or Lycopodium clavatum to treat baldness.
Homeopathic Medicine for Baldness

  1. Silicea, are used to person which suffer from baldness and feeling pain in head, most of it at the right side with hair loss condition. The patients which using this medicine are extra sensitive to cold air and usually their feet are sweating.
  2. Baryta carbonica can be used to treat baldness in young people. Most of the patients which need this medicine are very timid and dull in nature and have lack even poor memory and also needed by patients of baldness which has a throat complaints like tonsilitis (sometimes cause from exposure to cold air).
  3. Sulphur also one of the best homeopathic medicine that can be used as homeopathic medicines for baldness who are extremely hot blooded type and complain a lot of excessive heat in their body especially in the head, palms and soles. There’s another symptom that showing if the person need to use sulphur to treat baldness cases if the patient requiring this sulfur have an aversion to bathing and usually filthy and have skin disease. The person require Sulphur also showing an extra craving for sweets in their food.
  4. The Last medicine, Lycopodium clavatum, can be given to the patients which complaining of some sort of gastric trouble like flatulence, constipation or even liver problems alongside with baldness case. The patients who need Lycopodium clavatum usually crave for hot drinks, hot food and also sweet things.

Senin, 01 Juni 2015

Naturopathic Medicine for Weight Loss

Many diet program failed because the program do not removed the cause of the overweight and also those failed program do not cover the person needs, because everyone dietary needs are different each other.

Some Conventional Weight Loss Treatment for Obesity & Overweight compared with Naturopathic Medicine for Weight Loss:
  1. In many weight losses for obesity and overweight program usually offering schedule for:
  2. Decreasing calories in a person body by changing daily eat and drink menu and daily exercise to reduce fat faster.
  3. Consuming some appetite suppressants drug usually be a part of weight loss program.
  4. And some radical and fastest weight loss program are through surgery, like vertical banded, gastroplasty and gastric bypass, reducing stomach fat. But be carefully because there’s can be a malnutrient  may occurs after the surgery.

Natural Weight Loss
Natural Diet

Some Weight Loss Programs usually take more than 24 month to attain your ideal weight, this are the healthy and permanent dietary program but most of the program are failed because the program, because:
  1. It doesn’t even can identify the source of the overweight cause.
  2. The plans are not working for some people, because everyone has their own nutrition needed.
  3. Are unable to burn calories being consumed every day.
  4. Ability of each person to storing water in the body (water retention) are different each other.
  5. Some diet plans can cause a few health problems like constipation, poor digestion, and liver function are reduce,   carbohydrate metabolism problem, deficiency in nutrition’s required.

Natural Approaches for Permanent Weight Loss
Naturopathic Medicine for Weight Loss can provides natural, healthy dietary and safe also permanent weight loss.  
The goal is to balancing your life, starting to balance your food, your work, your daily exercise, and the most important are your emotions. In these natural plans to permanent weight loss program you are not required to scale your weight every time, because this is not an instant program, you can gauge yourself from your clothes size.
The program working in small but consistent and permanent like 2lb each month, so for some person the program can took more than 24 month, because changing lifestyle can’t be achieving on a short period of time, if you already regularly doing this on daily basis it will be more easier.
There are several tips in doing this program.
  1. Trust your supplements; because your body needs nutrient.
  2. Make sure people around you are supporting you and your goals especially from family.
  3. If you have activities you like just do it regularly to make you stay focus, as long your hobby are not eating junk food.

The Diet plan.
This are not a diet because this is a change in your lifestyle, this are your choose to live healthy, eating a healthy food, have a time for relaxation, scheduling your exercise and many others.
Weight loss Tips

Exercise are proofing can helps reduce your weight. Frequencies of the exercise are the most important factor in this weight loss. Second factor are duration of exercise itself, the longer you took exercise the more you lose weight, but remember not to over exercise because that’s can make your stamina drop.

Exercise can also Increases body mass, which also increasing your body metabolism and proofing burns more calories than fat tissue, and also body exercise can improved mood, sleep, lowering sugar in your blood and many other benefit from regularly exercises.

Managing Stress
Some overweight case are caused by chronic stress, stress management to control the hormone will help with weight loss program.

Nutrition are required in order to do proper metabolism process, if the nutrition required to burn fat are provided then the fat can broken down fast.
Nutrients like vitamins B, Lipoid acid, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese L-Carnitine, Chromium and Co-Enzyme Q-10 are required to run metabolism process to burn fat.

That’s all the article for Naturopathic Medicine for Weight Loss program, please consult your doctor before start the program.